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Some ++Dumb Relics in JAVA
JAVA evolved from the C programming language. Although JAVA eliminated some of the inherent problems and limitations in C, some of the complexities and idiosyncrasies were retained. One of these is the ++ (and +, --, - ) syntax for incrementing or decrementing counters. This article looks ate a number of situations where this syntax may produce results that are not what you would intuitively expect.
JAVA Report January 2000
Testing Flow for Year 2000 Validation
Testing is 60% to 70% of the effort [and cost] of Y2K projects. Yet the testing process has been decimated or diluted in most IS organizations with the cutbacks and "streamlining" of organizations over the past 10 to 15 years. The result is that many organizations have to go back to school to learn how to test effectively and then how to do it efficiently. The testing process is explained to guide those responsible for the testing effort to make the process work while being able to control the costs.
Year/2000 Journal November/December 1998
The [Y2K] Testing Monster
Year 2000 remediation is followed by a testing process which is often much more extensive and expensive than was planned for in the initial project plans. This is because testing has been somewhat forgotten in the past ten years and is easy to underestimate. But there are some basic processes and procedures that, if followed, can make a significant impact to the amount of time and money that is spent to fully test your systems.
Y2K Advisor October 1998
Making Encapsulation Viable
Encapsulation is a Year 2000 solution which has actually been around for 30 years. The process is to isolate either programs or data from changes to minimize the impact to repair those systems. If data is encapsulated, files are not changed. If programs are encapsulated, then code is not altered. Both has a particular appeal to lessen the impact of Year 2000 remediation on the overall IS structure. But is Encapsulation a viable solution - the answers are here.
Year/2000 Journal July/August 1998
Year 2000 Basic Rules
Year 2000 repair projects must decide which approach to take - modifying data or modifying programs or both. Each approach has its pros and cons to be considered. Since this decision will impact support of these systems in the future, it is best to perform the evaluation before implementing a solution that may just have to be redone in a few months after the "heat of the battle" has died down.
Enterprise Systems Journal June 1998
Saving The Bacon: Avoid Getting Burned by Delays in year 2000 Testing
Year 2000 testing is much bigger and complicated than most organizations want to believe or acknowledge. The critical issues are understanding the process of testing and implementing a realistic plan that will allow testing to be successful. Although this may sound very easy, it is surprising how many Year 2000 plans are "significantly behind" in the testing process.
Year 2000 Journal May/June 1998
Basic Year 2000 Rules
What is the primary concern with Year 2000 projects - trying to get done in time. The emphasis has been shifting over the past few years from wome very philosophical objectives to more practical ones to messages of plain survival instinct. But just what impact do changes have on systems. This discussion looks at what impact is made with the various Y2K methodologies and what are the consequences. All too often, the impact of methodologies is not fully understood and the resulting surprises effect project completion.
Enterprise System Journal June 1998
Writing an Ageing Utility for Year 2000 Testing
Data ageing is the best method to generate data which can be used to test Year 2000 changes. A data ageing utility makes the process of ageing dates in files possible because the volume and complexity of the data is just to much to handle manually or to create from scratch. This article outlines the requirements for ageing date values and provides a down-loadable utility (DATEFIX version 1.00) that can age data files on IBM mainframe systems.
Technical Support November 1997 File: datefix1.exe (approx 60K)
Date Impact Analysis
Date Impact Analysis provides Year 2000 project planning to be managed in an orderly and regimented manner so the optimal value is obtained from the process. As time rapidly approaches when systems will fail or generate incorrect results, a systematic analysis of the potential problems in each system is necessary to properly schedule the scarce Year 2000 resources to fix or replace those systems or recognize that systems are not in danger or the impact is only minimal.
Technical Support October 1997
Ageing Data Files for Year 2000 Testing
Testing Year 2000 changes presents the most challenging and costly part of the process to renovate systems for the century rollover. In fact, old system or new systems all face the same challenge to certify that the processes are fully functional with multi-century dates. Ageing dates in data files provides a methodology that make testing more effective because the data is known and the results can either be duplicated or easily extrapolated from earlier regression test results.
Enterprise Systems Journal July 1997
Three Centuries: Another Year/2000 Dilemma
Most computerized systems were designed to deal with very short time spans. That partially explains why the change in century is causing such havoc with logic and results. But for those cases, which are not that uncommon, the two century solution of simply windowing the year into a 100 year range will just not suffice. There will be dates which can span three centuries - 189x through 200x - which will create severe problems in these systems for the next few years. Solutions must deal with these situations or there could be significant processing problems as the century rollover approaches.
Year 2000 Journal June 1997
Reducing Testing Effort for Year 2000 Projects
Year 2000 correction and testing efforts depend heavily upon the number of date fields, the number of data files, the volume of data in those files and whether data files are input-only or updates during processing. Date fields effect the code and file changes. Data files and data volume effect the testing process and resources required. Type of file access effects regression testing and dictates data which must be saved and validated for correctness. This article discusses how to use SMF data to limit the files that must be captured. Input files are required to run a process and output, or updated, files must be verified for correctness. By limiting which files are captured and compared, resources and time are saved. Another process also analyzes the volume of data which is involved for each system (by dataset) so resources can be allocated. Code is provided (via download) to perform these functions using an assembler language program and several CLISTs (CLISTs are an IBM MVS language which runs under TSO or in batch).
Year 2000 Journal May 1997 File: y2k_dsn.job (approx 56K bytes)
YEAR 2000 Analysis: Gaining Maximum Value from the Process
Projects to correct the problems which will result from the century rollover were unexpected expenses to many companies. As long as this effort must be expended, it seems logical to get the maximum value from the dollars being spent to examine almost every aspect of each system. This articles walks through the various Year 2000 solutions and offers some suggestions about selection of a solution methodology and about collecting all of the knowledge into a knowledge-base to be retained after the Year 2000 project is done and gone.
Enterprise Systems Journal March 1997
Locating Wasted DASD Space
Everyone assumes that datasets are allocated efficiently because of the BLKSIZE=0 option in JCL. But many datasets have allocations hard coded with less than optimal blocking or have migrated from other devices or device types. This CLIST uses data obtained in ISPF option 3.4 to point out datasets which are not optimally allocated.
Technical Support Nov 1996 File: waste_sp.asc (approx 4,000 bytes)
VSAM File Initialization Code
VSAM files must be initialized before they can be read or updated. The VSAMINIT utility program will initialize any VSAM (KSDS, RRDS or ESDS) file and thus eliminate the need for special JCL or separate programs for each file.
Technical Support Sept 1996 File: vsaminit.asm (approx 34,000 bytes)
Sharing DB2 Application Code
Intercepting DB2 application calls to allow one module to execute in any environment (CICS, IMS, Batch or Call Attach). Also includes support for VS/COBOL and COBOL-II mixed mode support.
IDUG Solutions Journal Jan 1996
Managing Data Tables in CICS
Data table manager routine coded in COBOL to store data in CICS using Temporary Storage Queues.
Technical Support May 1995 File: cics_tsq.cob (50,000 bytes)
Printing via the JES Spool in CICS
A simple interface coded in COBOL to print files from CICS to JES network printers using the JES SPOOLxxxx functions.
Technical Support April 1995. File: cics_prt.cob (approx 35,000 bytes)
Faster Queries with SOUNDEX Strings
Using SOUNDEX to improve relational database query performance.
DBMS Magazine February 1995
A Simplified Query Process
Developing a method for balancing performance and functionality for multiple selection criteria queries using static SQL.
Data Base Programming and Design September 1994
Retaining Historical Data
Retaining historical data in a relational database to provide added functionality for point-in-time processing. An implemented methodology is discussed for a corporate database model.
Enterprise Systems Journal July 1994


  • Evaluating Automated Systems: Under the Microscope NaSPA S/370-390 Operating Systems Solutions June1994

  • COBOL-II Pointers NaSPA S/370-390 Operating Systems Solutions May 1994

  • Replication: Answering the Call Database Programming and Design Apr 1994

  • Optical Storage and the Mainframe Technical Support Dec 1992

  • CICS Development on the PC Technical Support Nov 1992

  • WTO Loop Isolation: Preventing a System Outage Enterprise Systems Journal July 1992

  • Data Compression Considerations Technical Support July 1992

  • IBM's MVS Linkage Editor Utility (and Load Modules) Technical Support May 1992

  • MVS Subtasks Under CICS Enterprise Systems Journal May 1992

  • The Sort Termination Exit and Hipersorting Technical Support May 1991

  • REXX for Systems Programmers Technical Support Dec 1990

  • Protecting Deleted DASD Data: A Simple Solution Enterprise Systems Journal Nov 1990

  • Automated Backup: Intelligent Selection Reduces Risks and Resources Disaster Recovery Journal Jun-Jul-Aug 1990

  • Optical Disk Technology: Charting Its Growth Path Unisphere May 1990

  • Sorting Methodologies Mainframe Journal May 1990

  • Synchronous and Asynchronous Processing Technical Support Apr 1990

  • Interrogating the Eligible Device Table (EDT) Mainframe Journal Nov 1989

  • Mainframe Optical: Here to Stay? or Here to Stay! Inside DPMA Oct 1989

  • Sort Exit Processing Mainframe Journal Sept 1989

  • Modifications to a DBMS: The Optical Connection Technical Support Sept 1989

  • DB2 Data Base Estimator Tools for the PC Database Programming and Design Aug 1989

  • A Survey of Optical Disk Technology Mainframe Journal May 1989

  • IPL-Text for IBM Mainframe Systems Technical Support Nov 1988

  • A DSS (Development Support System) for DB2 Program Development Explain Vol III 1988

  • Dynamic ISPF Libraries Specification Technical Support Aug 1988

  • System, Design and Support. Inc.** Wayne, PA